Resetting Password
Date Published or Modified

Feb 05,2022

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Reset SaaSFlow CRM Password

If you are wanting to reset your SaaSFlow CRM password, there are 3 ways to do it:

1. Reset your password from the SaaSFlow CRM Login Screen

For this option, you'll need to simply click the "Forgot Password?" button, then enter the email address associated with your SaaSFlow CRM account.

After you do this, you will receive an email from Yader or SaaSFlow with a new password.

Please allow 2 minutes for this email to come through. If you still do not see the email, check your spam folder.

You will, then, be able to login with the newly generated password.

2. Update your password from your Profile Settings

When you are logged into SaaSFlow CRM, you can go to Settings to update your password.

- Go to Settings.

- Click Profile on the left sidebar.

- On the right-hand side, you will see a section that is titled "Change Password."

- Under the "Change Password" section, enter your existing password in the first field.

- Then, enter your new password in the next two fields.

- Click "Update Password."

The next time you log in, you will need to use the new password you created.

3. Update your password from the My Staff > Team Management Settings

When you are logged into SaaSFlow CRM, you will need to go to Settings.

- Go to Settings.

- Click My Staff on the left sidebar.

-Once you are on the Team Management page, find your user and click "Edit".

You will now need to click on "User Info."

In the password field, erase what is currently there.

Then, type in your new password.

After you type in your new password, scroll to the bottom and click "Save."

**IMPORTANT:** Do NOT click "Reset Password." Find out why HERE.